Men Be Either Or, But Never Enough (Solo 4.6)

A solo cover with white text and the back of a woman who wears a white lace dress

Men Be Either Or, But Never Enough (Solo 4.6)


Eight-year-old Leeza hates the boys on twenty-fifth street. Worse than anything, she thinks, after they spit on her and tell her she smells. At home, Leeza's stepmother shows her no sympathy, scrubbing her skin raw and ordering her to chew gum. When the teasing from the "beady-eyed" twins on twenty-fifth takes a dangerous turn, so does the tension between Leeza, her stepmother, and her father. Moving fluidly between unreliable perspectives, "Men Be Either Or, But Never Enough" is a fresh and enthralling account of a young girl's struggle to make sense of her family and herself.