Donate to Ploughshares!

As a nonprofit enterprise, Ploughshares relies on readers like you. Giving to Ploughshares supports our commitment to paying our writers for excellence in the literary arts.

In 2016, we established an initiative to support writers: The Ploughshares Anniversary Fund. When you donate to the Anniversary Fund, 100% of your gift will go toward paying a writer published in Ploughshares. Together, we can guarantee that writers are paid for their work, and we can continue to attract the highest quality literature for Ploughshares readers around the world.

In addition to standard, one-time giving, we accept the following types of contributions:

  • Matching donation
  • Planned giving
  • Stock gifts

If you are interested in any of the above types of giving, please contact Ning Ma, our assistant director, business and development at

For more information about our giving tiers and the donors who make our work possible, please visit our Ploughshares Patrons page.

To view our fiscal year 2023 annual report, please click here.

*All contributions will be tax-deductible to the fullest extent allowed by law.

Donate via Phone
(617) 824-3757

Donate via Mail
To donate via mail, make checks payable to Emerson College and note Ploughshares in the “memo" area. Please list Ploughshares in the first line of the mailing address, followed by Emerson College, and send to:

Emerson College
120 Boylston St.
Boston, MA 02116-2114

Donate Online
See below.

Matching Gift?*