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Issue 26 |
Fall/Winter 1981

Contributors' Notes

by Staff



DeWitt Henry

Peter O'Malley

Coordinating Editor for This Issue

Dan Wakefield

Managing Editor

Joyce Peseroff


Mischief Night will be published next spring by Farrar, Straus and Giroux. His other works include
The Late Great Creature, a novel, and
Other Loyalties, a collection of journalism.

SUSAN ENGBERG'S stories have appeared in
Ploughshares, Massachusetts Review, Iowa Review and
Prize Stories: The O'Henry Awards. She lives in Milwaukee.

MYRA GOLDBERG'S "After One" will appear in a collection of her short stories to be published by Knopf.

AL GOWAN lives in Cambridge, Mass., and has completed a novel called
Only The Singing.

PHILLIP GREEN is a novelist and short story writer who teaches at Delphi College.

DEWITT HENRY was an NEA Fellow in Fiction for 1980, and has just completed his novel
The Marriage of Anna Potts.

HERBERT A. KENNY is the author of
Literary Dublin, A History.

SHARYN LAYFIELD works as a radio writer-producer in Vermont, and is working on a collection of "prose pieces/stories" called
Songs and Dances.

TOM NOLAN is finishing work on
Real Tears, his first novel. He lives in Los Angeles and writes for
Rolling Stone, New West, and other magazines.

APRIL SMITH was the first Managing Editor of
The Cambridge Phoenix, and is currently Story Editor of "The Lou Grant Show" on CBS. Her fiction has appeared in
The Atlantic Monthly and

JAN SOLET describes herself as "a late-blooming writer" whose story in this issue is her first published fiction.

DAN WAKEFIELD lives in Boston and recently completed a new novel,
Under The Apple Tree, which Seymour Lawrence/Delacorte will publish next spring.

Angustus was co-winner of The National Book Award for Fiction in 1973.

RICHARD YATES' novels include
Revolutionary Road and
The Easter Parade. "A Compassionate Leave" will appear in his new collection of stories,
Liars in Love, to be published this fall by Seymour Lawrence/Delacorte.