A new Ploughshares site is launching soon. Find out more about our new site, and what you need to do to prepare for it, before our current storefront closes at noon EST on Friday, May 24th.»

All Of Us, We All Are Arameans (Solo 1.4)

A solo cover of a detailed map of Israel-Palestine with cities labeled

All Of Us, We All Are Arameans (Solo 1.4)


Stuck with a plane ticket to Israel bought for her by a Polish Catholic ex-boyfriend, Eileen Pollack sets out on a hectic, solitary journey around the country, cataloging the region’s rich history, natural beauty, and troubled politics, while examining her own complicated relationship to her Jewish faith and heritage. In this darkly comic, incisive, and nuanced essay, Pollack upends the reader’s expectations as well as her own. A travel essay filled with bewilderment, outrage, humor, and faith, “All of Us, We All Are Arameans” takes us on a trip around Israel and the West Bank that few American tourists would have the chutzpah to attempt.